An Internship to become a Dragon Dreaming Facilitator

We are looking for someone to embark on a learning journey to become a Dragon Dreaming Facilitator.

This internship will take place in Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria, Spain. You will be learning and co-facilitating with one of the most experienced trainers of Dragon Dreaming, Julia Ramos Puente. Together, you will co-design the learning journey and facilitate several workshops for several groups of entrepreneurs from all over Europe.

The duration of the internship depends on how much time you wish to engage in this journey. The total duration of the project is until June 2019. From now until June 2019, you will have the chance to participate in 4 Dragon Dreaming intro training with a duration of 10 days each.

The first two pieces of training are from the 9th until the 21st December, 21st January until the 1st of February 2019. The last two happen in May 2019.
The months of February, March and April are the months for research, writing and finalising the DD book.

Some of this trainings will have some particular topics like Applying Dragon Dreaming in projects that work with Refugees and Projects related to Environmental Sustainability. Each workshop is for a different public with different interests, which makes this adventure very attractive and fun!

This internship will also give you the opportunity to help and collaborate in the writing of a book about Dragon Dreaming, Leadership and Systems Thinking. The book will be around 80 pages. This book will be published as creative commons.



WHAT we are looking for …


  • If you have the desire to become a Dragon Dreaming project Design facilitator,
  • If you have some previous knowledge of Dragon Dreaming,
  • If you have already some experience in similar tools: AoH, U Theory, Group Facilitation…
  • If you are passionate about creating a positive impact in the world.
  • If you enjoy doing research, merging ideas and theories and writing,
  • If you are available on the following dates: 9th until the 21st December, 21st January until the 1st of February 2019. 

Important Skills:

  • Autonomous, self-motivated and with a willingness to learn,
  • Interested in start-ups and innovation,
  • Visionary & creative,
  • Excellent written and verbal communication in English and Spanish.


This is a not paid internship, however, we can help you in obtaining an economic support from the European Erasmus Programme for Young Entrepreneurs. Depending on your country of origin, this European programme can just support 1 to 4 for your internship

The internship will include and provide you with accommodation and food during the 4 10-day trainings in Cantabria. Transport costs are just covered from Madrid, Bilbao or Santander Airport to Ramales de la Victoria (Cantabria). The time in between workshops you can live where you wish as work will be done remotely.

Please apply here


For more information on Dragon Dreaming, please visit:

Feel free to download the Dragon Dreaming methodological guide here DRAGON_DREAMING_IN_ACTION



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